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Alamogordo, New Mexico, United States
I'm enrolled in the Adult. education program at Bellevue University. Come learn with me...


Welcome to my blog.

I define learning as taking a response or knowledge and applying it to real life. Learning can take place by formal education or just by the learning of new skills and is a continual process throughout our lives. I always feel fulfilled if I learn something new every day.

As learners, each of us bring a range of experiences, competencies, and interests to the table. Face it...our entire lives have been defined by how we learn. Growing up my sister loved to read....and I didn't. She followed directions word-for-word...I didn't. I would look at the finished product (or a picture) and put whatever it was together...she couldn't. I was mechanical...she was anything but mechanical.

We have all learned that our brains are all wired differently. One of reasons people learn differently is associated with the dominant side of their brains. Some people are left brain dominant, some people are right brain dominant, and some are split right down the middle and use both. There are very specific characteristics pertaining to each and each has an effect on how we, adult learners, actually learn.

Knowing that everyone learns differently, do you feel that teachers should create learning assignments that cater to everyone? I think that a creative learning environment will encompass many different styles of teaching...which in-turn will help different styles of learning. Have the students participate, answer questions, use a board, PPT presentation, have an area where students can practice (if applicable), etc.

If you take the quizzes and you know what kind of learner you are. Example: If you are an auditory learner, sit at the front of the room so you can hear. Don't sit by a window so that you can get easily distracted. Put into effect all the information you learned about your particular style of learning. Everyone wins this way. There will be times that some lessons will just require you to take in the information and then you have to figure out "how" to learn the most from it.

The bottom-line is, find out how you learn the best...and use it. It will make your job of learning easier and it will help the teacher to create a more fruitful learning environment.

How do you learn? Do you learn best by seeing, hearing, or acting out the information you are learning? In other words, are you a mostly a visual, auditory, or tactile/kinesthetic learner? Actually, everybody uses a variety of the methods, but one method or type is usually dominant in each individual.

If you learn which is your dominant learning style you can improve your learning. Here are a couple different quizzes to help you determine your style.

There are many other tests out on the web to help you compare the results. Here's a few of them. Have fun!




Happy Learning Everybody!

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Sunday, 12 June 2011

My Personal Development Journal (Assignment 4.2)

Strength – Describe the strongest learning experience(s) you had thus far and why it/they were important to you.  I would have to say that the strongest learning experience that I’ve had thus far are the technology aspects of what we have learned.  As they say, “Who da thunk” that I would be blogging?  People at work and home all consider me pretty computer savvy, but let me tell you, after this class, I believe I know better.  I am, however, more computer (as far as technology) proficient than I was when I started this module.  I can blog now!  I can narrate PowerPoint slides.  Lookout world!  I never realized how easy THE BASICS of these tools are.  Mind you, I still have a ways to go, but I’m getting there. 
Improvement – Reflect on how you could improve your learning in the future.  I think that if I continue to use the learned material, I will become more and more proficient in using these newfound tools.  Throughout this module of courses, we have been learning all about the different learning styles and we’ve gone through several exercises to apply them to ourselves and our students.  NOW I really know WHY I am HOW I am.  It’s been a real eye opener! 
My problem is that I start something and don’t finish completely…then start something else and don’t complete it…and so on, so forth.  It’s really a vicious cycle.  I’ve always had this problem, doing a little bit on a whole bunch of projects.  It has always been a trait of mine that simply drives my husband insane!  I actually discovered this problem in AEDU 311, but it just hit me that I was following this same old cycle in my class work, too.  I have decided that I need to focus on one thing at a time (and complete it), so I’ve decided that I need to work on this.  To combat this, I’ve been staying after work to do my homework assignments.  This way it’s actually quiet (everyone is gone home), no arguing about my husband blaring the television and distracting me, no animals that want my undivided attention, and no projects “screaming” to be done.  I try to do this 2-3 times a week and I actually find myself focusing more on what I’m supposed to be focusing on without all the distractions.  That was one of my traits—easily distracted…and it’s so true of my personality.   This is something I will continuously work on improving.  If I can do it for class work, maybe it will spill over into my personal and professional life…who knows! 
JUST A NOTE:  My new “test” to focus on one thing at a time and complete it…well, it’s rubbed off a little.  I write a monthly article for our Chamber of Commerce which comes out in our local paper.  Well, I’m USUSALLY pushed to get it in on time, but this month I set aside specific time to do it and I actually got it in 3 days ahead of schedule.  This is very unusual for me (smile).  Focus and complete one thing at a time. That’s MY GOAL.
Insight – What new discoveries/understanding did you get in the learning process? How will you apply it to what you are doing in your daily professional or personal life?  I always knew how I learned best.  I didn’t take the Myers-Briggs Assessment until probably 15 years ago, but I knew what worked best for ME, Shelley—the individual.  From this course, I have realized that even though I didn’t know (per say) I was doing it; I was incorporating many different learning styles into my lessons.  Like I said, I came from a military background learning environment.  THEY didn’t care if they could make learning easier for the students.  All they cared about was the numbers.  I guess it really all comes with experience--you can spot the students that are struggling and you find ways to make it work—to help them learn. 
Now that I am more aware of the types of learning and teaching styles, I will be more aware and will attempt to incorporate some of the other styles into my lessons.  I guess, however, it will be student based…whatever they need.  Depending on the length of the course, I’m going to do an assessment (making it fun)…so I can get a better insight to the types of learners occupying the seats in my class. 
Additionally, I know we are not the experts, but by conducting a very quick learning-style assessment at the beginning of each of our classes would not only benefit each of us, but would also, in the long run, benefit our students.  It would also depend on the length of the class.  It wouldn’t be conducive to conduct one on a class which was only a day or two long…but for the longer courses, it would.  Certainly we could never satisfy each and every student or learning style, but many students would benefit.  I feel that it really would be a very valuable tool to use. 
In conclusion, this class has taught us to respect our life experiences our different styles that each of us bring to the classroom.  In the teaching arena, none of us want to see our students fail and it seems as though each of us will do what we can to make the learning and teaching experience more of a pleasant one for both the student and ourselves.  Face it, we each have a wealth of information in which we can draw from and we want to do well. 
Furthermore, I have to say that you may have opened “Pandora’s Box” with me blogging, etc.  I love technology, and sometimes it takes me a little longer to “master” something, but once “I’ve learned it, look out.”  Hey, it can only get easier…RIGHT?  J

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